Youth Vision: Shaping the Future of Education

Imagine ten years from now - how should students be learning?

Painting a picture of how education should be in the future is a great thought-exercise. With young people, they are integrating these discussions into actual advocacies and activities. In Curriculum for Life, we actively listen to and involve youth in every step of the way. I interviewed some youth members of CfL and we talked about rethinking new ways of learning. I asked the youth: “What is your vision for education?”

Adrija Jana, 18, a youth education activist from India, shares how she hopes that the future of education is sustainable. More than textbooks, she thinks that education should cater to the needs of every student. More importantly, she thinks that learning should help develop life skills and must engage students’ interests. Oda Holzknecht, 15, a youth climate advocate from Germany, shares her dream of being able to self-pace and self-choose your learning. Giving opportunities to students to learn how they choose will make education more meaningful and enjoyable, she added.

Listen to Adrija, Oda and more next generation education advocates share about their vision for education:

Picture of Raven Frias

Raven Frias

Raven Frias is a youth leader, multimedia artist and lifelong learning advocate from the Philippines. She is currently pursuing her interdisciplinary masters degree in Learning Sciences in Université Paris Cité and Learning Planet Institute. She is the Communications Lead Intern of Curriculum for Life where she supports the organization’s mission through creatives, communication and research.

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