The world is changing at a rapidly increasing rate and many education systems around the world are struggling to keep pace. 

Many young people leave education without the awareness, knowledge and skills required to meet life’s opportunities and challenges.

Research has shown that life skills boost academic outcomes, improve employability and develop positive wellbeing and life satisfaction. 

Studies show us that this effect is amplified when life skills learning is explicit and embedded into a structured learning environment across the child’s educational journey.

Several barriers prevent schools from offering life skills development as part of their curriculum.

Hover over each one to see our solution

Hover over each one to see our solution


The resources to develop life skills are highly fragmented, making it time-consuming for educators to source and integrate them into the classroom.


We select the most impactful existing resources to create a coherent, age-appropriate life skills curriculum, blending a wide range of approaches and delivery modalities.


Life skills curricula offered to schools can often be challenging to introduce because they come from a variety of specialist providers representing a particular theme.


We weave and embed a growing range of learning spheres into our curriculum, such as wellbeing, SEL, personal development, leadership, life skills and systems thinking.


Life skills development is difficult to integrate into the existing school curriculum, it is not universally accessible and a coherent, effective provision is expensive to implement.


The Curriculum for Life is easily embedded in the curriculum of schools and other settings and is offered to learners and educators free of charge.


Many life skills programmes are created by adults, only to find that the young people for whom they are designed are not interested or engaged in the material.


By co-creating with young people from around the world, we ensure that our curriculum remains relevant to learners globally.